Tuesday, July 19, 2011


                I know that I have gotten very bad at this. Life has just been a hectic mess that includes a huge dose of I really wanna sleep all the time. I can’t help it. Work is nuts. And yea, I know that so many people would kill for a job blah blah blah. The point is not that I don’t like my job. I really do. God I love the things I do and the majority of the people I meet at work. The only thing is that it can be hard going from not working at all and only being a student, to working ALL THE TIME!!!! But hey, I think I handle it well, and I think I’m good at it. I’m just sleepy. 

                So something that is really important to me is about to happen. It involves Nick… You see, recently I’ve felt like I’m just clinging to him and not really doing all those great things I did before to prove I was an awesome girlfriend. Should I have to prove it? No not at all. Do I like to? Yes, absolutely. Why? Because I’ve lived in a world where people aren’t good to each, and don’t give each other the mutual respect they owe each other. You do something nice for me and I do something nice for you. Nick does nice things for me all the time. Buys me food, takes me out, all kinds of things. I don’t have money so I can’t provide monetary things. A lot of girls think those things are part of the basic package when you enter into a relationship. They expect random flowers, chocolate, treats and other things. Yes, I would like to randomly receive flowers, or some chocolate yums, but I don’t expect them ever, one because that’s not the kind of guy Nick is and two because stuff doesn’t happen that way. Sucks but true. But, back to the subject at hand. I finally have the chance to pay him back and I’m so excited about it!!!!!!
So ill leave it there for now…


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